Rendez-vous Fredericton “Dream Team”

The Fredericton meetings & conventions industry team works together in an exceptional manner.
The Rendez-Vous Fredericton partners involved understand that when Fredericton wins, everybody wins. So what does that mean for you, the meeting planner? You can trust that whoever you call will endeavour to give you the best information for your group, even if that means forwarding your call to a ‘competitor’.
We always say to clients that ‘a call to one of us is like a call to all of us’. And it’s true! Give us a call today and discover why Fredericton is the best location for your next event.
Rendez-vous Fredericton
Wendy Bradley, Meeting & Convention Specialist
Office: 506.460.2852 or 888.888.4768
Email: wendy.bradley@fredericton
Crowne Plaza Fredericton
Cyndy Jewett
Office: 506-451-8976
Email: cjewett@cpfredericton.com
Delta Fredericton
Kathryn Sprott
Office: 506-451-7957
Email: Kathryn.sprott@deltahotels.com
Fredericton Convention Centre
Erin Blanchard, DOS
Office: 506-460-2775
Email: Erin.blanchard@fredericton.ca
Hilton Garden Inn
Rob MacPherson
Regional Director of Sales & Marketing
Mobile : 506-381-6347
Radisson Kingswood Hotel & Suites
Kelly Waugh, DOS
Office: 506-206-6270 | Cell: 478-3891
Email: DOS@radissonkingswoodhotel.com
University of New Brunswick Conference Services
Sara Rothman
Office: 506-458-7298 | Cell: 506-440-3712
Email: srothman@unb.ca