Our Story

No matter when and where you grew up, chances are your parents took you on some sort of family vacation. Sometimes they picked a place because it interested them, and then basically dragged you along as an extra piece of luggage. Other times, if you got lucky, they decided on somewhere that would appeal to both them and you. Enter Canada’s favourite vacation destination, Niagara Falls, a popular choice for parents who wanted nothing less than to bond with their children over family-friendly activities and a world-famous natural wonder. Little did you know at the time, but this experience meant more to them than you could ever imagine. Watching you lean onto the railing in awe of nature’s beauty, just as their parents did decades before, sparked a feeling of nostalgia and the hope that, when your time came, you too would share the same rite of passage with your children.
There’s that Niagara Falls, the one you recall with such fond memories, and there’s the Niagara Falls that exists today. Reluctant to grow up too quickly, we’ve matured beyond even the greatest of expectations. People look at our destination now as something virtually unrecognizable to what it once was, so much so it has us pinching ourselves to make sure what they’re seeing is true. If you’re wondering who exactly these people are, as a matter of fact, they are you. It is you who have chosen to see Niagara Falls for what it’s become, that special place you know from your childhood and have adored ever since. Only this time, you’re not a kid anymore, and instead of helping organize a family vacation, you’re planning a business event.
Events like these come so naturally that you can probably plan them with your eyes closed. Even if you could, try planning them through the eyes of a child instead. Learn to see Niagara Falls as the playground where your imagination runs wild, and almost anything seems possible. The building blocks of possibility already exist here. It’s up to you to discover what creative adventures can be taken with them. Getting your event outside of its normal element, where the views act as a pleasant distraction, is exactly the change of scenery you need. Many of these iconic scenes are already bursting with lush greens and cool blues; this way, you don’t have to choose between colouring within the lines and drawing outside them. Whatever it is you end up designing, promise you’ll take a timeout to daydream about all the wonders that make for an unforgettable experience in Niagara Falls. Because, if there’s something worth dreaming about, it’s a business event that excites you every day until it happens. And when it finally does, you’re sure to come across a new kind of feeling, the urge to do it all over again.