Meet Andrée-Anne, Our Business Tourism Expert

Andrée-Anne Proulx
As far back as I can remember, I had a genuine interest in sales. Active, curious and with client service tattooed on my heart, I studied in tourism. The tourism sector allows me to combine my three passions: sales, travel and the outdoors.
In the past 15 years, I have been working in business development for major tourist organizations, including the Marriott Hotel Chain and the SEPAQ (Société des établissements de plein air du Québec), the largest outdoor activity network in Quebec.
Since 2015, I have been promoting Laval as a vibrant, welcoming and authentic destination to a business clientele, a destination where it’s possible to combine nature and outdoor activities with cultural activities, gastronomy and entertaining.
To efficiently carry out my work, I am involved in several business organizations, I work closely with my partners, and I develop and implement tools that facilitate networking and the sharing of expertise. For instance, at Tourisme Laval, we’ve created the Certified Simplifiers community. Our Simplifiers are seasoned experts who help businesses plan and organize their events.
Also, as part of the démarche stratégique en tourisme d’affaires (strategic tourism business initiative) put forward by the ministère du Tourisme, I have the mandate of working with experts to help Quebec’s various tourist regions to analyze their current situation, conduct a market study and develop a strategy to promote business tourism and increase economic benefits.
In recent years, Laval has been bustling with activity and high-impact projects, which are good indications that business tourism will continue to grow. And it is with great enthusiasm that I contribute to Laval’s growth as THE business tourism destination of choice.
I am looking forward to meeting you!